Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bon jour mes amis!

I decided today to add my ramblings to those of the millions of bloggers already sharing in the multiverse.  My main goal is to share what I've been reading and, maybe, some of what I've been writing lately.  I invite you to join me as I read my way through my to-read shelf......which is groaning for relief as I type.
My latest reading project is to read my way through Diana Gabaldon's series about Claire and Jamie Fraser for the second time.  I figure this is great prep work in anticipation of her new addition to the series, which should be hitting bookstores in the near future.
If you're a Gabaldon fan, you should check out The Scottish Prisoner, an interim novel about Lord John Grey, one of my favorite side characters in the series.  I call him a "side" character, but I think he has grown in importance and could be called a main character at this point.
I don't recall any series in which the main male character was loved by a man as well as by a woman.  John's abiding passion for Jamie fascinates me.  Gabaldon handles John's sexuality with a rare delicacy and frankness about his self-awareness. 

1 comment:

  1. I reread this and realized that I do know of another series in which a male main character is loved by both a woman and a man - well, a male vampire. In Laurell Hamilton's Anita Blake series, vamp king of St. Louis Jean-Claude is loved by not only Anita but also by Asher, a male vamp.
    However, the relationship between Jamie Fraser and Lord John is more complex and more interesting. John's passion is unrequited, so he must settle for platonic friendship. Also intriguing is the mingled jealousy-respect between John and Claire Fraser.
